Saturday 23 September 2017

Day 18 and Day 19 Second Chemo Round

Day 18 - Friday, September 22, 2017

I again had a disrupted night due to worries about the upcoming chemo, tests and costs of medications. However, I was still up around 6:45 a.m. and able to follow hubby on his motorcycle while he delivered it to his mechanic. When we had been on the bike on Sunday, we both heard and felt a "thwap, thwap, thwap" as we drove on a rural road close to home. We thought it was coming from the front tire. However, today, Friday, when hubby was backing the bike out of the garage to take it to his mechanic, he heard the sound coming from the rear tire. As I followed him down the road, I could visually see a bulge on the left side of the rear tire. I flipped on my hazard lights as I realized hubby was only going 25 km/hr down the road. I move the car to "block" the lane and make it more safe for hubby going at such as slow speed. I felt great relief when he finally pulled into the parking lot of the mechanic's shop. Hubby then dropped me off at home and continued on his way to work with our car.

I don't know if I've ever mentioned this, but we have always ever had one car. Today was a sunny, warm day and I did not mind that I would walk to the local CBI Health Clinic to have my picc line cleaned. I made the walk in about 15 minutes. I tried to walk briskly both to and from the clinic in an attempt to get my lungs working and heart working well.

After I had returned home from the clinic, the doorbell rang and a local florist was delivering a lovely collection of various pink and purple flowers. What a beautiful and cheerful vase it is. I always forget how much fresh flowers lift my spirits.

After dinner, a good friend from Cornwall dropped by for a visit. She's in town with some friends and they will do a wine tour tomorrow. I really enjoyed our visit and she brought a beautiful bouquet of Fall coloured flowers from a florist in Cornwall. They really helped to brighten up my living room. After my friend left to return to her hotel, I realized I was very tired and I was in bed early.

Day 19 - Saturday, September 23

I again had a disrupted night's sleep. This time it was due to some muscle spasms that were bothering my back. I got up around 4:00 a.m. for about an hour and completed some more knitting on my afghan project. I returned to my bed and some much needed sleep around 5:30 a.m. I slept through until 7:15 when my cat woke me up by walking up and down my legs. I got up and fed hime and changed his water. I then made lots of coffee as I was still feeling sluggish.

A friend from Ajax came to visit today. What a nice visit we had! She brought many books for me to read and help pass the time. Last year I had mentioned a title of a book that I had regretted giving away. Didn't my friend find the book on a table in a garage sale which were labelled "free"! She brought it along with her today. We enjoyed a delicious lunch along with my hubby and then we went to Baskin & Robbins to buy my favourite ice cream. I was able to get "Baseball Nut" in two 1 litre containers. They'll stay in my freezer and be used sparingly to help soothe my tongue when it gets canker sores. By late afternoon, my friend was on her way to visit another girl (her friend) I knew from university days.

I'm tired tonight and will head to bed shortly. Tomorrow is another busy day. The weather is supposed to be and sunny. Hubby and I have been invited to a cottage for the afternoon. We'll take advantage of that. I won't be able to go swimming in the lake due to my picc line but perhaps I'll be able to dangle my feet in the water while sitting on the dock. I'll have to remember to bring a floppy hat and my sunscreen.

My string of days where I'm feeling great is continuing.

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