Saturday 30 September 2017

Day 2 Third Chemo Round - Starting the Downslide

I awoke this morning feeling very tired and sluggish. I had a small breakfast of toast and jam with a small glass of milk and then my David's Tea digestive blend.  I also had to have my vanilla yogurt to get the 10 Dexamethasone pills down without them coming back up. I have a new drug that has been prescribed for me. It is called Emend. This is to help block inside the brain the impulse for nausea and vomiting. It seemed to work well. Although my appetite is down a little bit, I wasn't feeling nauseous throughout the day.

Hubby had some errands and work things to handle this morning and about mid-morning I had my last fresh peach. I like to slice it up and mix it with some honey but not too much. It adds just a hint of sweetness and it blends with the juices of the peach. This is a snack or dessert from my childhood. When hubby came home, he then cooked up some eggs with mushrooms, some breakfast sausage and some homemade potato hashbrowns. I had some of each but not a lot. I also had my tea and a piece of toast with blueberry/blackberry jam.

After brunch was all cleaned up, hubby and I drove to Lemoine Point and walked through along the trails. It was cool today but I was really feeling cold. I had a t-shirt, hoodie and windbreaker jacket. I needed my hoodie up to cover my ears and keep my head warm. However, I enjoyed the walk but lamented that the trails do not allow us to go to the stone beaches anymore. I understand that this is to protect the fragile landscape from erosion and human abuse. It was nice to see glimpses of Collins Bay and Lake Ontario through the trees during our walk. At this time of year, if it is not too busy and loud on the trails, you can sometimes catch a glimpse of a deer. Not today though. There were lots of people walking with their dogs, joggers and cyclists. It would be too noisy and busy for the deer to come near.

After our walk, we climbed back in the car and headed towards the baseball field where our son used to play. Hubby had read that a game was taking place there this afternoon. We arrived just as a game was ending. We knew one of the umpires and enjoyed catching up with him and what his family is doing. The next game that was about to start did not include one of our home teams and I was feeling the wind and getting cold. I didn't want to get chilled so we left with the intention of coming back at 4 p.m. to watch our home team play. This series of games was apparently part of a new Fall Ball program.

We never did make it back for the 4 p.m. game as I started to go downhill. I had a sandwich to settle my stomach as it was starting to feel queasy. I worked on the sock that I'm currently knitting. Finally I realized I was chilled and feeling tired. I went to lay down for a nap. I was cold so I put the hood up on my hoodie and covered myself with all the covers and duvet. Hubby had to wake me up about 5:30 in order to eat some supper.

For supper, I had a barbecued chicken thigh with no barbecue sauce, a small amount of plain rice and some salad. This small amount of dinner filled me up. I also had some iced tea to drink. Hubby served up some zucchini loaf for dessert. It was good. However, I started feeling queasy about 6:30 so I took a prochlorperazine (supplemental anti-nausea drug) and hope that will settle my stomach. I'm fighting a small headache which is a side effect of the rituximab. I hesitate to take a tylenol as it will cover up if I start to run a fever. I have to check my temperature at least once a day. I tend to take it every 4 hours because this will be the routine when I am admitted to hospital on October 25.

I expect that all this is the slippery slope downhill. I try not to dwell on the side effects but I do need to be aware so I can counteract them if I'm able to. Otherwise, I just ride the wave and look forward to when I can feel good again. Rest helps too so I have to make sure that I don't stay up too late and that I take naps as needed. I am enjoying a gift that my cousin-in-law gave me on Wednesday. It is a pottery bread that has a hollowed out centre. The bread says "Bread of Life". Inside the hollowed out part are various slips with bible verses on each side of them. I like taking one out once (sometimes twice) a day and reading it. The verse often brings me comfort. Today I did this twice and each time the verse brought me comfort and I felt strengthened knowing I am leaning on God's strength to get me through this ordeal of chemo.

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