Friday 6 October 2017

Day 8 Third Chemo Round - Dehydration and Chemo

This morning I awoke early and went to have my shower. I got very dizzy and was concerned while in the shower. I quickly did what I had to do and dried myself while sitting on the toilet so I wouldn't fall. This scared me.

I was at the Stem Cell Unit for my chemo by 8:30 a.m. The nurse checked my vital statistics and my blood pressure was very low and my heart rate was at 120 beats per minute. My normal heart rate is usually between 45 and 55 beats per minute. This caused a flurry of activity and the fluids were pumped into me. I took 1.5 Litres of fluid to bring my vital statistics to where the staff were comfortable. I also had my Day 8 chemo of Gemcitabine.

My nausea is what caused the dehydration. Although I never actually got sick, the nauseous feeling discouraged me from eating and drinking. My taste buds have changed again and I'm struggling to find a liquid that I like to drink. Today, I enjoyed some apple cider while I had my chemo and liquids pumped into me. I also like chocolate milk. I'm going to try Schweppes Gingerale with ice (watered down as it melts) and see if that is another option for liquid.

I also have a small infection in my left arm where the IV went in for my very first chemo. That infection had flared up in late August and it showed up again yesterday morning. So I'm back on Clindamycin for 7 days to deal with this. The Practical RN that was assigned to my file also has given me a new anti-nausea drug to see if that will help me more.

As I go into Thanksgiving weekend, I'm on a strict schedule of medications that need to be taken at certain times, some with food, some with lots of water, some with nothing. So I'm back to having a "medicine journal" to try and keep it all tracked and doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

Today wasn't a complete downer though. I had two former co-workers come up to visit with me which helped lift my spirits. I am struggling to accept my regimented life. I just want to be done with all this and eat when I want, what I want, drink when I want, take no medications. However, starting Monday, I will also be taking another medication every morning at the health clinic where my picc line gets cleaned. I want to be able to go to crowded fun places with my hubby and son. I don't like feeling cooped up and penned in. So I'm feeling a little sorry for myself today.'s Thanksgiving weekend and I'm thankful that my son has come home for the weekend. I'm thankful that my hubby knows how to cook well. I'm thankful that I got an apple pie made for my hubby and a pumpkin pie made for my son. I did something to add to the meal even though I may not eat much of it. I'm thankful for all my friends and family who continue to pray for me and lift me with their cards and written thoughts. So Happy Thanksgiving and I'll try to focus on my blessings instead of what I can't do or have to do.

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